Champions of Change


Our Programme improves leaders’ effectiveness. 

Effective leadership involves a clear understanding of how good organisations are run, the characteristics and skills of leaders, and a much deeper understanding of one’s own strengths and weaknesses and of those of one’s colleagues. 

This course covers the need for leadership learning and teaching as part of the culture of an organisation; our own interest in leadership; and leadership definitions, styles and types. This program of learning and teaching, in constant evolution over the last 10 years, encompasses the essential skills of leadership, with particular focus on leadership of self, of knowing oneself, of working effectively in teams and of knowing and understanding colleagues retrospectively, as well as prospectively. Participants design their own plan for developing and nurturing their leadership skills over the subsequent 18 months. 

Programme Vision and Learning Goals​
The aim of the course is to inspire, assist and encourage participants to commit to a long-term development of their leadership skills.

On completion of this course, participants will: 
• Be able to analyse and define the key characteristics of successful leaders;
• Be able to analyse and define the key characteristics that will support them in being the best leader they can be; 
• Have developed greater self-awareness and made a commitment to behavioural change that encourages both their own self development and that of those around them; 
• Have gained an understanding of the coaching approach to management and the impact that that will have; 
• Have coaching tools that are immediately useable; 
• Have developed greater empathy and resilience to better manage any kind of adversity; 
• Have mapped pathways they can follow to become successful leaders in health; 
• Have a greater understanding of their own selves and mechanisms they can use to lead successful lives, not only be successful leaders; 
• Have demonstrated and practiced leadership and followership skills in a team; and 
• Have developed their own plan for further developing and practicing leadership skills in their lives

The most popular format of this course is to begin with a 5 day programme that is made up of 20 modules over 30 hours in one week.
However, we have followed many different formats and are open to discuss what will work best. Generally, the programme lasts 18 months with follow-ups and coaching a very important part of the engagement.

  • Workshop – Day 1

    Module 1 – Setting the foundations
    Module 2 – What is Leadership?
    Module 3 –Team Excellence
    Module 4 – Project Work 1

  • Workshop – Day 2

    Module 5 –Leadership of Self
    Module 6 – Leadership of Others (Part 1)
    Module 7 – Leadership of Others (Part 2)
    Module 8 – Project Work 2

  • Workshop – Day 3

    Module 9 – Chairing Meetings, Psychological Safety, and Trust
    Module 10 – Bias and Emotional Intelligence (EI)
    Module 11 – Conflict Management and Constructive Feedback
    Module 12 – Project Work 3

  • Workshop – Day 4

    Module 13 – Advocacy
    Module 14 – Health System Strengthening
    Module 15 – Boundary Setting and Time Management
    Module 16 – Project Work 4

  • Workshop – Day 5

    Module 17 – Leadership Panel
    Module 18 – Developing Your Leadership Skills Plan
    Module 19 – Project Work 5
    Module 20 – Reflection and FeedbackList Item


5 days intensive programme to start

2 Facilitators

Guest Speakers

1.5 hours pre reading + questionnairre

Monthly follow-ups

Optional 1:1 and team coaching

18 months programme

Ongoing project

The most popular format of this course is to begin with a 5 day programme that is made up of 20 modules over 30 hours in one week. However, we have followed many different formats and are open to discuss what will work best. Generally, the programme lasts 18 months with follow-ups and coaching a very important part of the engagement.

The general approach is to promote the coaching style of leadership. As a basis the participants are taught the CURIOUSTM leadership model.

All sessions are delivered in the English Language, however we welcome the engagement of translators where required.
Please find below a sample timetable:

0830 – 1030Introduction to the week 
Short bios and symbol 
Ground Rules 
Team exercise 
Reflections on Day 1 
Legacy party 
You as the best leader you can be 
Reflections on Day 2 
How can you build Psychological Safety/trust in your team? 
Reflections on Day 3 
The Elevator Pitch 
Interactive session 
Reflections on Day 4 
Leadership experiences from guests/panel 
1100 – 1300What is Leadership? 
Situational Leadership 
Setting the foundations of being a great leader, coach, mentor, 
Introduction to a coaching model 
How can you use the ‘coaching management style’? 
Networking and Influencing 
Network audit 
Boundary setting 
Time Management 
Developing your leadership skills plan 
Who can hold you accountable? 
What results are you looking for? 
By when? 
1400 – 1530Leadership skills self-assessment 
Team thinking 
Introduction to group work 

Communicating effectively 
Active Listening 
Direct Communication 
Powerful Questions 
Conflict Management 
How can you influence upwards? 
Emotional Intelligence Team Presentations 
1545 – 1715Project Work 1 *
Team skills assessment 
Task allocation 
Team agreement 
Project Work 2 *
Situational analysis 
Background research 
Project Work 3 *
Strategy formation 
Elevator pitch prep 
Project Work 4 *
Preparing the Team’s ‘pitch’ 
Learnings from the course
* Each participant develops a project that will be supported by a team (and Moodie & Labouchere). It is an opportunity for them to plan how, over the next 18 months, they will apply the leadership skills whilst ensuring the course has a direct impact on who they are and what they do.
Leadership Skills Explained

Vision and Decisions
Creating vision
Decision making
Planning (including setting goals and prioritisation)
Problem solving

Communication (including clarity and accuracy)
Oral Presentation

Managing People
Managing conflict
Managing performance
Mentoring and coaching

Technical Capacity
Intelligence gathering
Technical credibili

Emotional intelligence I
Time management

Emotional intelligence II
Social skills
Networking (influencing and relationship building)

Coaching Philosophy

Lucia Labouchere, our co-founder and coach, is a member of the International Coach Federation at MCC level. She developed our own coaching model called CURIOUSTM Leadership.

“I believe you have the answers to your questions and that underneath it all you know where you want to go.  We start with looking at you and where you are at.  I pick and choose tools that I have gained over the last twenty years and offer them to you as I think appropriate.   Generally you spend the first sessions working out what you want and where you want to go, in the short and long term, you then move on to look at any blocks/beliefs that may stop you, you look at options for you to consider and you make a plan for you to get where you want to go.  I have a special interest in managing relationships, especially those that you might find more challenging like building new relationships to expand a network, managing those that are more senior to you and managing relationships where there is conflict.  I train and coach for the World Health Organisation, and support heads of companies in other sectors across the globe – the one criteria I need is that coachees need to be ready to change and are up for wholly engaging in the coaching process.”

Lucia Labouchere

Co-Founder, Moodie & Labouchere


If you are interested in hearing more about what we do, please get in touch with us.  We tailor programs to the needs of the organisation and its people and would love to talk to you about how to get the best from yourself and those around you.