Coaching Skills for Champions of Change

Formerly known as
the Malawi Leadership Programme


We run engaging coaching skills programmes that will equip you in being the best you can be and helping those around you to also fulfil their potential. We improve the effectiveness of leaders.

Programme Vision and Mission
Our Vision:
A better world where leaders are more effective

Our Mission:
We exist to help people tap into their imagination and creativity so that they can make the most of who they are and who they want to become.  We are committed to contributing to the greater good and helping build leaders and communities that care for their people and the environment. We do this through teaching coaching skills because we know that they are the foundations of effectiveness.

The general approach is to promote the coaching style of leadership. As a basis the participants are taught the GET CURIOUS LeadershipTM model.

All modules/sessions are delivered in the English Language, however we welcome the engagement of translators where required.

Please find below a sample course structure:

Module 1 – part 1
Introduction to the course and coaching
Operation Outbreak
Ground Rules
What is coaching
Psychological Safety 
Demonstrates Ethical Practice
Embodies a Coaching Mindset
Module 1 – part 2Your future
Be coached
And coach
Introduction to the CURIOUSTM leadership coaching model
4All the competencies as we look through each competency
Effective communication
Module 2ICF Core Competencies
Your ideal Client
Discovery Session training and practice
2Embodies a coaching mindset
Co-creating the relationship
Establishes and Maintains Agreements
Cultivates Trust and Safety
Maintains Presence
Practice discovery session*2All
Module 3
Effective Communication
Active listening
Evoking awareness through intentional questioning, direct communication, silence, metaphor
4Effective communication
Listening Actively
Evoking awareness
Practice* Participants start a coaching log and receive feedback from their peers on each competency2All
Module 4Coaching demo
Coaching practice
Coaching observations 1
2All competencies – we use the PCC markers in the classroom
Module 5This 4 hour module is about facilitating change.
It invites the coach to work on boundaries, time management and empathy with coaching practice again
4All competencies with a focus on:
– Establishes and Maintains Agreements
– Maintains Presence
– Facilitates client growth
Module 6Facilitating client growth
Who can we coach?
What is our responsibility as a coach for results?
We look at the US part of the CURIOUS model
2Cultivating learning and growth
Module 7Active listening (continued) and how you can use it to cultivate deeper trust with your coachee
We talk about courage in coaching and the language that you need to be able to help raise the awareness of your coachee
Coaching observations
2Effective communication
All competencies in the demo and observation section
Module 8Goal setting – Session goals and Programme goals
The Power of Reflection
Bottom lining
4Co-creating the coaching relationship
Establishes and maintains agreements
Active Listening
Module 9What verses Who
Transactional verses Transformational
Practice session and observation 3
Explaining the accreditation process with ICF
2Establishes and maintains agreements
Embodies a coaching mindset
Asks powerful questions
Maintains presence
Module 10Q and A Lab with laser coaching demos
What to do when your mood is low / Transactional Analysis
Practice session and observation 4
2All competencies
Evoking Awareness through powerful questions, silence, direct feedback
Module 11Reflective module
Looking at how far you have come
How is the wheel progressing
Knowing and Managing Biases
Cultural dimensions
Politics in organisations
Peer Coaching
4Evokes awareness
Listens Actively
Embodies a coaching mindset
Cultivates Trust and Safety
Maintain presence
Module 12The power of asking questions without an agenda
Questions that shift the mindset
2Evokes awareness
Listens Actively
Embodies a coaching mindset
Cultivates Trust and Safety
Maintain presence
Facilitates results
Practice*Make sure all coaching logs are up to date2All
Module 13Looking at Coaching Demos that are ACC, PCC and MCC and the difference
Coaching observations 5
Practice*Ensure logs are ready2All
Module 14The grand finale
How to end well a coaching relationship
Personal coaching plans and next steps
Presentations and celebrations
* practice undertaken in own time

Draft module breakdown:

  • Module 1 – Part 1

    •       Your future (legacy party, the wheel) Do you remember your wheel?
    •       Introduction to coaching and the CURIOUS model
    •       Coaching Skills for Effective Appraisals And most other situations!!  (Powerful Questions, Active Listening)
    •       Practice

  • Module 1 – Part 2

    •       Outbreak and learnings from that
    •       Psychological safety and trust and how to build it
    •       Celebrating diversity
    •       Why coaching and how can I benefit from it?
    •       Emotional Intelligence

  • Module 2

    •       Recap what the coaching approach is
    •       ICF core competencies – a word on the ICF
    •       When to tell and when to ask
    •       Your ideal client
    •       Preparation (setting foundations/expectations)
           •       The discovery session – Practicing the discovery session
           •       Paperwork
           •       Session 1
    •       Coaching log
    •       Between now and next month – setting goals – number of coaching sessions

    ***On your way, good luck and enjoy!***

  • Module 3

    •       Lifeline and Reflection
    •       Pros and cons of online
    •       Powerful Questions (part 2), hushing that ‘mind chatter’ & Active Listening (part 2) to ask a better the next question
    •       Coaching log – who could benefit from your coaching now
    •       Between now and next month – setting goals – number of coaching sessions

  • Module 4
    •       Reflection
    •       Ducks and orchestra (analogy and metaphor)
    •       Coaching Demo
    •       Coaching practice
    •       Takeaways
    •       Video for staff
    •       Between now and next month – setting goals – number of coaching sessions

  • Module 5

    •       ‘Change’: ‘How do I deal with it and how do I continue to communicate effectively through it?’
    •       To feel connected to and supported by your peers in this time of change
    •       To practice a coaching style conversation
    •       To think about boundaries and to set some
    •       To complete a time management quadrant
    •       To define empathy and to practice it
    •       To understand the basic principles of Transactional Analysis
    •       To know that it is ok to be finding it hard at the moment and to know that ‘in the darkness there is potential’ and if you are not finding it hard, that is great and it is time to support

  • Module 6

    •       Reflection – talking about working from home and a call for us all to be more conscious about racism and other discrimination
    •       Who can we coach?  How coaching differs from a normal conversation
    •       Results – How as a coach to ensure the client walks away with a plan (in the CURIOUS model it is Way Forward and Support
    •       What you need to do to become an International Coach Federation credentialed coach – who is interested?
    •       Coach observation session

  • Module 7

    •       Reflection – talking about how we are all doing
    •       What you want to see happen by July
    •       Active listening (contd) and how you can use it to cultivate deeper trust with your coachee
    •       We will talk about courage in coaching and the language that you need to be able to help raise the awareness of your coachee
    •       We will look at some scenarios and divide into 3s to practice.  (Observer sheet explanation and new design!)
    •       Accreditation and what that will mean for you.

  • Module 8
    •       Reflection – how is coaching going for you?  What is going well?  What is hard?
    •       How can we take your skills to the greater school?
    •       Bottom lining
    •       Session goals verses programme goals
    •       We will look at some scenarios and divide into 3s to practice

  • Module 9
    •       Who verses What
    •       Are you coaching the issue?
    •       Day to day issues:
    •       Performance
    •       Time management
    •       What to do in a relationship
    •       Or the person (transformational)?
    •       This requires our client to take full control, to understand what they want, what their values are and to supports them in designing and implementing changes that will impact them in the long term.

  • Module 10
    •       and A Lab with laser coaching demos
    •       What to do when your mood is low/TA
    •       PCC Markers (time depending!)
    •       Practice session and observation

  • Module 11

    •       Coaching refresher – have a look at that list from before – what do you want to take away from today? You have 2 hours now to change something in your world, to work on that one thing – make it count!
    •       How has your wheel progressed?
    •       We are products of our experiences – what ducks do we carry? What biases? 12 biases…
    •       Coaching practice
    •       Politics and change – To continue our learning about change and how we respond to it – I will share a framework with you that might help you to see things from a different perspective!)
    •       To think about culture and its role in change – Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory
    •       To practice a coaching conversation and round off with commitments
    •       To close with ‘your learning’

  • Module 12

    •       The power of asking questions with no agenda
    •       How to be in a place of no judgement
    •       How to self manage
    •       How to ask the best next questions

  • Module 13

    •       Coaching demos ACC, PCC, MCC
    •       Final coaching observation

  • Module 14
    •       Reflections
    •       Personal Coaching Plan
    •       Skills learned
    Remember the coaching skills that you have:
    •       GROW-S
    •       Active listening
    •       Powerful Questions
    •       Direct Feedback
    •       Shifter questions
    •       Reframing
    •       Using silence
    •       Analogy and metaphor
    •       Facilitating results
    •       Discovery session
    •       Ducks and orchestra
    •       The difference between coaching and chatting – when to wear your coaching hat
    •       Who to coach – saying yes, saying no
    •       Helping your client to plan
    •       Courage in coaching
    •       Bottom Lining
    •       Setting SMART session and programme goals
    •       Being transformational not only transactional
    •       Transactional Analysis – re visit
    •       Demos x 2
    •       Establishing the coaching agreement 2/ Facilitating results 2
    •       Questioning without an agenda
    •       Coaching the person not the issue

Learning Methods and Coaching Philosophy

Lucia Labouchere, our co-founder and coach, is a member of the International Coaching Federation at Master Certified Coach (MCC) level. She developed our own coaching model called GET CURIOUS LeadershipTM.

This course has been designed carefully to experience and learn the core coaching skills.  Its foundations are in psychotherapeutic and coaching models and it is highly engaging and fun.  Participants attend regular workshops on-line of either 4 or 2 hours and are required to complete 2 hours of homework in between sessions.  Usually we cover one module each month. 

Please reach out to us if you would like to understand any more about the programme.

Mentor Coaching

This course offers mentor coaching (7 hours of group, and 3 hours of one to one), to help individuals meet the requirements of the ACC accreditation with the ICF.

The mentor coaching will take place online, alongside the programme and all participants are expected to keep a coaching log and to practice coaching throughout the programme.


If you are interested in hearing more about what we do, please get in touch with us.  We tailor programs to the needs of the organisation and its people and would love to talk to you about how to get the best from yourself and those around you.